Friday 26th January 2024
You will remember that last year EPHA and ASHE agreed transition arrangements for Year 6 pupils that were consistent across the authority. The majority of secondary and primary schools followed the new system and we feel that this simplified and streamlined the process for all schools. Since last summer we have reviewed the arrangements and, following discussions with secondary colleagues, have made a couple of changes to the transition form. This includes questions about relationships, with adults and peers. If you are not happy to include information in writing in these sections, please simply state that a discussion is needed about the child in question.
The agreed arrangements for this summer are as follows:
- The attached transition template will be shared with all primary schools (except by those in Harlow or other authorities, who use a different template) early in the summer term.
- Secondary schools may use an electronic form to gather the information, but should not be including additional questions or request for information.
- The completed transition form should be returned to the secondary schools by summer half term.
- The Year 6 transition visits will take place in the week commencing 24th June 2024. (The transition week will always be the last full week in June.) Please avoid booking residentials or other trips that involve your Year 6 pupils.
Thank you for helping making these streamlined arrangements work across the county. If you need any clarification, have any concerns, or if you are asked for other/alternative information, please do contact me.
Pam Langmead