EPHA safeguarding resources for September 2024

Wednesday 19th July 2023

I have produced a number of safeguarding resources, which I hope will be helpful at the beginning of the new autumn term.

You will have seen the new version of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024, and I have produced a version with the changes highlighted (both on the EPHA website home page and/or safeguarding section). https://essexprimaryheads.co.uk/files/keeping-children-safe-in-education-2024-draft-publication-pending-final-changes-highlighted.pdf

Part 1 is not yet available yet as a stand-alone document but when it is published I will create a version of that with the changes highlighted

I have updated the KCSiE follow up quiz, including the answer sheet and the presentation, based on the 2024 guidance, which you might find useful when you are doing a child protection/safeguarding update at the beginning of term (or when Ofsted calls). https://essexprimaryheads.co.uk/info-and-documents/seven-minute-staff-meetings/

I have written a 7-minute staff meeting about the changes to KCSiE (although these are minimal) and over the summer I will update all of the 7-minute staff meetings so that they reflect current guidance.  I have written a new 7-minute staff meeting about the new attendance guidance, coming it to force on 19th August. This and the rest of the 7-minute staff meetings can all be found at https://essexprimaryheads.co.uk/info-and-documents/seven-minute-staff-meetings/

I also plan to update the governor safeguarding presentation that you can use next term if you wish, along with a recording of the session as an alternative way of delivering this to governors – as you know it is a requirement for all governors/trustees to receive safeguarding training on induction, and best practice suggests that all of your governors should have safeguarding training so that they understand their responsibilities. I’ll upload the updated version onto the EPHA website during the holidays and send you a reminder at the beginning of term.

Pam Langmead