Wednesday 30th September 2020
The Essex Primary Headteachers' Association (EPHA) is holding its Annual General Meeting on
Wednesday 7th October 2020 from 9.00 am - 10.30 am online. The link to the Zoom invitation for the meeting is:
Meeting ID: 872 3119 0465
Passcode: 202467
See attached the agenda for the AGM and also the election form for Chair, Vice-Chair and Executive Treasurer of county EPHA. During the meeting we will be reviewing the Constitution and Financial Regulations of the Association. Draft proposed documents are below.
I very much hope that you will be able to join the meeting. As you can see from the agenda, Michelle Winter, Senior HMI, will be joining us for about an hour, to give feedback on the Ofsted visits taking place this term, and to share any available information about Ofsted’s plans for returning to routine inspection.
Pam Langmead