Autumn term primary headteacher meetings

Wednesday 1st November 2017

The Area Primary Headteacher meetings will be held during November- see dates and venues below. The meetings will start at 9.00 am and will include, as always, refreshments and lunch. You are likely to want to attend your local meeting, but if the date doesn’t work for you please do attend any of the other meetings. There is no need to book, just turn up (leaving some time for parking) and enjoy the day.

The autumn term newsletter will be circulated at the meeting, and this includes the dates for the headteacher meetings in 2017/18.

The dates and agendas for the meetings are:

NORTH EAST          Wednesday 8 November    Weston Homes Community Stadium
SOUTH                   Thursday 9 November        Holiday Inn, Basildon
WEST                     Wednesday 15 November   Weston Homes Business Centre, Takeley
MID                         Thursday 16 November      Chelmsford City Football Club

The agenda will include updates from the Local Authority, including information about the current Education Restructure, SEND Strategy, and the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May.

At all of the meetings, there will be a session with members of the local Emotional wellbeing and mental health service (EWMHS) team, giving headteachers

  • An introduction to the NELFT school project leads and the quadrant team members;
  • An overview of the NELFT offer, now and into the future, and how it can be accessed by schools;
  • A pack of information resources for each headteacher;
  • An invitation to professional supervision workshops to be held in January/February.
  • The opportunity to complete a survey of what mental health support and therapies they currently access in their schools or via their cluster.

Safeguarding Forum meeting _ North East and South meetings

In the afternoon of the 8th and 9th November, Jo Barclay will run the termly safeguarding forum meeting – headteachers are very welcome to stay on and attend, and other staff from schools across the area will join the meeting.

If you plan to attend, please make sure you have booked a place via the Infolink


I look forward to seeing you at the meetings.

Pam Langmead
EPHA Professional Officer

Pam Langmead