Seven-minute safeguarding staff meetings

Wednesday 3rd May 2017

Following the success of the quiz devised by EPHA to check whether staff have read, understood and retained information about Keeping Children Safe in Education, I have produced a series of “Seven-minute Safeguarding Staff Meetings” on a range of topics. These are intended to be used to keep your staff informed and up to date about key safeguarding topics, and each “staff meeting” includes a Powerpoint presentation and an accompanying information handout.

Topics so far include the Prevent Duty, Child Sexual Exploitation, Female Genital Mutilation, Managing a Disclosure, Whistleblowing, Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Neglect, and the role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead.

I will keep adding to these so that you can offer a programme of training that can be tucked into a staff meeting, in just seven minutes! On the webpage you will also find an attendance register that you can download and use to keep a record of the training that your staff have done.

Pam Langmead