Tuesday 10th November 2015
The Area Primary Headteacher meetings were held in November. The termly EPHA newsletter was circulated at each meeting, including dates for the school year and EPHA updates.
The agenda included updates from the Local Authority - A view from the bridge - plus information about Perspective Lite (the new information portal that is being introduced next term), the Governance RAG rating system and a session called: Think the Unthinkable - what to do and what support is available when a crisis hits. Natasha Colley (who presented the session) referred to a crisis checklist that you could adapt in the event of a critical incident - attached here.
At the end of the spring term, the LA will introduce a new information portal, Perspective Lite, to replace SSET. I will send out an email to you soon reminding you to provide an email address (your head@ or your own name email, but not admin@) that will be used to set you up on the system.
At the North East meeting, headteachers heard from Andrew Cook, HMI, and the Regional Director for Ofsted in the East on England. He gave his view on the new inspection system introduced in September, initial inspections that have taken place this term and how schools might make the most of the new framework.
In the afternoon at the Mid meeting on 10 November we were pleased to repeat the session on TACKLING EXTREMISM IN SCHOOLS, that was so well received at the other area meetings last term.
Headteachers were asked to complete a survey about recruitment and retention in their schools - the feedback so far has been very interesting; please complete the survey if you haven't already done so and return to me at (my new email address) pam@langmead.me.uk
Pam Langmead
EPHA Professional Officer
Pam Langmead