Thursday 22nd October 2015
The Area Primary Headteacher meetings will be held in November- see dates and venues below. The meetings will start at 9.00 am and will include, as always, refreshments and lunch.
Please find attached the agendas for the meetings (clink on the link). The autumn term newsletter will be circulated at the meeting, and this includes the dates for the headteacher meetings in 2015/16.
The dates of the meetings are:
SOUTH Tuesday 3 November Holiday Inn, Basildon
NORTH EAST Wednesday 4 November Weston Homes Community Stadium
MID Tuesday 10 November Chelmsford City Football Club
WEST Wednesday 11 November Weston Homes Business Centre, Takeley
The agenda will include updates from the Local Authority, including information about Perspective Lite (the new information portal that is being introduced), the Governance RAG rating system and a session called: Think the Unthinkable - what to do and what support is available when a crisis hits.
The South and West meetings will close after lunch, although headteachers are welcome to use the venue for networking.
At the North East meeting, headteachers will have a chance to hear from Andrew Cook, HMI, and the Regional Director for Ofsted in the East on England. He will give his view on the new inspection system introduced in September, initial inspections that have taken place this term and how schools might make the most of the new framework.
In the afternoon at the Mid meeting on 10 November we are pleased to present the session on TACKLING EXTREMISM IN SCHOOLS, that was so well received at the other area meetings last term. This session will be led by Andrew Hall, Specialist Safeguarding Consultant, Success in Schools Ltd.
Following the publication of the PREVENT Duty Guidance this workshop will enable headteachers to:
- Understand the duties placed on schools by the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015
- Develop their knowledge of extremism in the context of current UK threats
- Learn how to demonstrate that the school is safeguarding children from the threat of extremism
- Identify vulnerable and 'at risk' students
- Integrate 'Prevent' strategies into pre-existing safeguarding approaches
- Understand how to write or revise relevant school policies
- Implement British Values in the curriculum
- Demonstrate that the school is safeguarding children from the threat of extremism
- Prepare an action plan ready to implement in school
I look forward to seeing you at the meetings and, in the meantime, hope that you have a very enjoyable and restful half term.
Pam Langmead
EPHA Manager
Pam Langmead