Thursday 18th June 2015
Sir Michael Wilshaw launched the new Ofsted framework, which will be in place from the 1st September, in a speech on the 15th June. He commenced with a tribute to the work that school leaders are doing:
I want to start this important conference by paying tribute to you as the leaders of our education system - people who are making such a difference to the lives of children and young people across our country.
This is not a clichéd bit of idle flattery at the start of my speech but a deeply held belief that great leadership is leading the transformation in standards few would have thought possible only a short time ago - and certainly before the start of the Ofsted era 22 years ago. This transformation needs to be proclaimed much more loudly and much more confidently.
Ofsted has published a number of related documents and presentations about the new framework (all referenced and coming into use in September 2015), which can be accessed on the website and via the links below. They include:
- The Common Inspection Framework - this sets out how Ofsted inspects maintained schools and academies, non-association independent schools, further education and skills provision and registered early years settings in England.
- The School Inspection Handbook for Section 5 (full) inspections
- The School Inspection Handbook for Section 8 (monitoring) inspections
- The Early Years Inspection Handbook
- The Further Education and Skills Inspections Handbook
- Inspecting safeguarding in early years education and skills settings
- The future of education inspection - understanding the changes (document)
- Common Inspection Framework - presentation
- Transcript of Michael Wilshaw's speech
- The future of education - a briefing for schools
- The Non-Association Independent Schools' inspection handbook
Pam Langmead