Behaviour Support Service update

Thursday 15th September 2011

Last academic year 2010/11 we briefed colleagues at the LA termly meeting with schools on the potential future for the Behaviour Support Service. You will be aware that LA services are currently engaged in the transformation process and behaviour support services for Key Stage 1 and 2 pupils will be considered in the second phase over the course of the 2011/12 academic year. In the meantime the Schools Forum continues to fund the Behaviour Support Service in schools for the current financial year for schools with priority given to pupils with Statement of Special Educational Needs where BESD is the main category of need.

The team will continue to provide specialist services to Essex primary schools and academies, free at the point of delivery, within the following areas of need:

  • Monitor provision provided for children with BESD Statements to ensure progress is being made and any resource provided is being used effectively;
  • Provide timely specialist written advice (Appendix B) as part of the Statutory Assessment process.
  • To support schools, children and families effectively at School Action Plus (KS1/KS2) and at School Action (Early Years/KS1) with the aim of reducing the need for Statutory Assessment.

There are no changes to the referral process; however, if you have any queries please contact:

Ralph Holloway

Service Manager

01245 436281

Janine Hanson/Jenny Kinsville

Area Behaviour and Inclusion Managers (Mid)

01376 555601

Carolyn Cairns

Area Behaviour and Inclusion Managers (North East)


Kerry Howard

Area Behaviour and Inclusion Managers (South)

01268 498858

Debbie Pritchard

Area Behaviour and Inclusion Managers (West)


The Behaviour Support Service will continue to provide training programmes for schools and clusters; these will remain free of charge to Essex schools but a charge will be in place for packages provided to academies.

A further update will be circulated in the Autumn Term to keep you informed of developments.

Yours sincerely

Ralph Holloway
Team Manager, Children's Support Service
01245 436281

Please reply to Ralph Holloway

Telephone: 01245 436281
Fax: 01245 436211

Pam Langmead