New tests for high attaining pupils

Friday 18th March 2011

Optional level 6 tests will soon be available in English reading, English writing and mathematics. The tests, which will be available to download from the NCA tools website in April, will provide the opportunity to stretch high attaining year 6 pupils and also offer a useful tool for measuring the ability and progression of gifted and talented pupils.

As with other optional tests, the level 6 tests can be administered at any time in the school year. Schools won't need to register their pupils, apply for access arrangements or submit a Headteacher's declaration form. However schools will need to make their own marking arrangements, as the optional level 6 tests won't be externally marked. Mark schemes (including general marking guidance) and a guide to administering the tests will also be available from the NCA tools website.

As these tests are not statutory, local authorities will not be required to monitor administration of the tests, and test results will not be collected or published.

It is important to note that the key stage 2 national curriculum tests in English and mathematics remain statutory for all year 6 pupils, as does the requirement for pupils at selected schools to take part in science sampling tests. Further information, including an overview of each of the optional level 6 tests, is available on the QCDA website.

Pam Langmead